Re: For All Eternity! Jesus is the eternal sabbath. by been there done that ..... Christianity Debate
Date: 1/19/2017 12:54:46 PM ( 8 y ago)
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No, I am not a universalist.
I tend to be PHILOSOPHICAL about spiritualism (we either have a certain spirit/character/demeanor of being peaceful and just (God's ways) or sly like satan (schemes, tricks, lies, etc.).
OUR spirit is supposed to be compatible with God's spirit.
In Acts 17, Paul spoke to the Athenians (centuries earlier, the Athenians learned about good peaceful and righteous living from SOCRATES). Paul didn't mention Jesus's name or any details of our faith about the crucifixion. We should understand that Jesus often spoke to us with a FIGURATIVE 'poetic licence'......He says that there will come a time when He will speak in "FIGURES".
The word "lord" does not MEAN "God". It has always been used by the masters/lord and all the slave/servant societies/cultures.. the Romans, Greeks, and all the ancient cultures (India China, Japan, everywhere used the term "lord" as referring to master, mentor/teacher......(as far as our faith, JESUS is our "lord"....sometimes we forget that "lord" is not His name, but His rank/status.
Every person on this planet that claims Jesus as their savior has received the PURIFICATION of the FLESH, but not all have had their conscience cleansed by the ETERNAL spirit mentioned in Hebrews 9:14 (they are not SEALED).
In Hebrews 1, it says that Jesus made "PURIFICATION FOR SIN (this is the FLESH PURIFICATION ONLY).
Compare what Jesus did to the sacrifice rituals of the Jews. Hebrews scripture also says "but could not perfect the conscience of the worshiper"....THAT is why the giving of the divine spirit when Jesus ascended is so important (the "living water" shed on the cross along with the blood is our THIRD WITNESS 1 JOHN 5:8).
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