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Re: I've been holding this off... by trapper/kcmo ..... Christianity Debate

Date:   2/22/2015 12:32:50 PM ( 10 y ago)
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it only comes to people that seek. christians are told things that make seeking any further idiotic.

if god is so wringing his hands trying to get everyone he can into the kingdom then why doesnt he take people the minute they convert? lololol that would be a bit demotivational, except to the suicidal. lolololol

its true idiocy that christians spout. they can try and hide behind "the things of god are foolishness to the world" or whatever but that doesnt cut it with me. what they say is foolishness to god, and he has declared it and they dont see that they ARE the new pharisees and scribes and pocket puppets of the powers that be.

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