Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead protocol broke through my walled off parasites and now they won't go away. by HolyThine ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)
Date: 2/29/2012 3:48:53 PM ( 13 y ago)
Hits: 5,473
URL: https://www.curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=1913805
Hi, In January I watched a movie that lead me to juice different vegetables for two weeks. I have food sensitivies and was hoping by juicing different vegetables i could see what digested better than cooked and still get plenty of nutrition in. The first week I lost 7 lbs. The second week I gained 4 and became super constipated. I tried a salt water flush without results-just extreme pain. Opted for a colonic-FDA approved equipment, filtered water, brand new setup tubing, watching all going in and out so very clean. I'd had one 20 years prior and thought this would be good. Next morning at end of morning poo, I couldn't pinch it off. Wiped and there was a nest of 5-6 inch roundworms and I almost had a panic attack. How did I get these? I'm OCD clean, vegan/vegeterian. How fast could I get rid of them. The shame and embarrassment plus biting, moving around and worry about who I'd exposed to them. Then I remembered one son has traveled to 4 foreign countries in last 2 years and other son to a foreign country and ex yearly to third world country, had a kitten for 6 months and horses for years but wormed them religiously, walked in the ocean and then saw sign saying to stay out due to protozoan count high, mom has alzheimers and roommate has brain fungus so I had many possibilities. I'd done a cleanse at least once a year for the last 25 years as I have chronic illness and on disability but out of 5-6 stools all negative, no doctor would ever treat me just to ease my mind.
Called CDC and they told me to go to the health dept. The health dept wouldn't see me cause I have medicare/insurance. Couldn't bring myself to tell my internist/psy cause he'd just think I was delusional. Went to a nurse practitioner that I didn't know and she had no clue what to do but called her physician she's licensed under and scripted me stool O&P and mebendazole 2 pills a day for 3 days, wait 14 days and repeat. Well first pill I took my stomach came alive and cramped and hurt for hours all night long and finally a castor oil pack calmed them down about 5 am. Chum out my but for the next 2 weeks. Became so dizzy first three days and ammonia for a week so I had a huge die off I would think. The colonic saved me. Dizzy and barely able to get on the table and at the end felt wonderful all dizziness gone. Visible parts and whole worms and plenty of mucus. I couldn't deal with all this so bought a month long colonic package for one a day. I did 5 each week. Each time nests, more different worms expelled. Fished around in stuff in toilet and found 2 flukes. OK now I'm really fearful. I thought this med would wipe them out. I'd also been taking digestive enzymes, apple cider vinegar, Paragone, cleanse more, probiotics and aloe vera gel/juice. When the biting and moving got to bad I would take a coffee enema and that really expelled junk. I felt them everywhere under my skin. Everytime I took meds they fled my gut and all i can think is they are everywhere in my body but gut. Many tan gallstones, gravel and sand. Emptied a diverticuli I guess cause a bunch of strawberry seeds and pepper came out and longtime since strawberry eating. I began seeing worms with tons of mucus and Gallstones all in one piece so I think my duct was clogged and full of stuff and flukes. Took a stool sample into be tested with two visible worms and part of a fluke and it came back negative. Was this my gut sloughing instead of worms? Had witness so I'm not crazy. My colonic practitioner saw all this and we took pics but still told pathologist didn't find anything. Finally 3 days after finishing mebendazole I had diarrhea all night and was at my internist door when they opened the next morning. Sobbed through whole appointment. He ordered me 2 weeks of Albenza 400 and referred me to infectious disease MD. She did another stool and it to was negative. She told me to stop the meds I was on as I was cured. I was dumbfounded. I'm still passing parts and didn't stop taking the meds. I'm fasting on protein drinks and water so that I'm starving them plus didn't want a bunch of bulk in my gut so if a get another nest I'm taking it into the lab and begging the pathologist to tell me what it is if not worms. Do you think having less food in large intestine will help them hide better or come out with enema? I'm also going to get DNA lab work done through metametrix in atlanta. DNA don't lie and I think they are the only lab that does this kind of testing even if i have to pay out my pocket to get it done. Since the albenza I have had less movement internally but still in the rectum they get going. Sometimes feels like in my pubic hair around vagina. I've been wiping myself down there with alcohol wipes. I had feeling of one in my left ear and that stopped 24 hours after the albenza started. I do energy work and chiropractor said by NAET I still had them and treated me the NAET way. I get biofeedback SCIO machine and it showed up 9 kinds of worms. Tongue, chinese medicine and eye diagnosis show parasites so I'm not listening to that doctor that I'm cured. When I finish this albenza in a few days I'll take a break and then get the stool specimen sent again but to better lab. I also do Ayurveda and have been doing dashamula tea basti and taking vidanga, triphala trikatu, and shardunika so of course my vata is very high. I know I'm doing to much at one time but my allergies are better, my asthma is better, I'm off my GERD meds, my pain is better right now. i took a z pack cause the die off was causing to much phlegm in my lungs and doctor thought it might send me into bad attack. My IBS is better, I had a cysto done and the inside of my bladder was raw. I asked her if that could be from parasites and to look for them and treat or biopsy for them and she said it unheard of to have in bladder unless related to rare TB. My bladder is better since on albenza though.
I want to try oral castor oil but haven't found any food grade yet. Don't know how it would react with everything anyway. I haven't see a Tapeworm yet but it still feels something large is moving around in there when it gets active. I don't want to take months to get over this. I want them gone last week. I think this has been going on a month now. I've had to add anxiety med to deal with the movement and biting.
Please offer suggestions as I go back to the doctor next week and I don't know what other meds to ask for and I don't want my hair to fall out. I usually go all natural holistic but just can't with this. What other alternative stuff could I do? Pumpkin seeds make my IBS terrible or else that is worms moving around. I want to take every med there is possible to get rid of these and are there any you take at the same time? I don't want to go to the feed store for horse meds but sometimes think I could.
Do these meds we take work systemically all over the body, blood, ears, eyes, brain or only intestinally?
I've not been able to loose weight no matter what diet i'm on or how good my will power has been so I'm hoping this has been the reason and the weight will begin to normalize. I think the walled off area was around my bile duct cause whenever I heard it gurgle I would usually get more worms. I'm not seeing as many worms right now? If they did run and hide could they have already walled themselves off again and how do I get to them?
I know this is long. Thanks for listening and helping. I'm trying to add pics.
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