Re: October Vacation by #68716 ..... Fight Club
Date: 4/25/2008 9:28:13 PM ( 17 y ago)
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problem with al the rife theorists is that they don't look at reality
"The most important point to remember is that when varying voltages are applied to a circuit which contains a nonlinear impedance, the resultant waveform contains frequencies which are not present at the input source"
Royal Ray didn't even know, quantitatively, himself what was causing destruction of the pathogens. Putting audio frequencies on a carrier and running it through a non-linear impedance like a phanotron tube resulted in sidebands from both addition and subtraction of the fundamental waves, in addition to some harmonic freqs. AND some frequencies which werent present in the input. So, I'd ask the self-professed geniuses to kindly tell me exactly which one of these freqs was responsible. In early work, rifes carrier was different than in his later work, too bad they didn't have good ways of measuring freqs back then with precision of today. I guaranted you that there is more than one MOR for each pleomorph.
So when person X comes along saying to apply frequencies directly to the body, from a "list", absent a device such as Rife's Universal microscope, they are blowing smoke out their axx. Those who claim that 2128 Hz kills cancer are off their rocker. Further, skin penetration of contact pad devices is on the order of less than 2 mm by the nature of the freq. A 2000 Hz signal has a very long wavelength. Puttng 21280 on a 3.3 MHz carrier gives a different result than putting 21280 or 2128 on a CB frequency carrier, as proposed by Bare. Funny how discussion of sidebands is neglected by all the "gurus". How can any prudent rifeologist ignore discussion of the sidebands ????? They can, because the people in their audiences are baffled by this, and like to think in simple terms that: frequency X in, dead germs out. It ain't that simple. 21,280, yes, but nobody knows what carrier Royal Raymond was using, except Phil Hoyland and whomever he may have told.
Best mode for most is therefore to sweep a frequency range and hope to hit a useful one for a long enough duration to have an effect. Doing that over a meaningful range would literally take all day, with no guaranteed outcome, which means that effective treatment could easily take weeks, and even after that the user would not know which of the freqs did the trick. I think frequency lists are a joke, for these reasons. Nobody outside of government knows with absolute certainty, reproducible results, that frequency X kills pathogen Y. Rife is known inside gov. That's why the biological weapons programs were dismantled - both sides had the Rife, and a important installations can be effectively cleaned in about 4 minutes at the right frequency. Why do you think none of the old politicians ever die of cancer ?
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