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When to chelate - and getting your body in balance first by inspiraller ..... Chelation: Andy Cutler Protocol Forum

Date:   12/10/2007 8:14:58 PM ( 18 y ago)
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Cutlers protocol isn't the only way, but it is thorough and insists, by gental, regular doses of DMSA you suffer less side affects during chelation.

The reason he recommnends not chelating immediately after removing the amalgams, is because your body is already dealing with the massive load of mercury release during the removal. It doesn't matter how thorough, strict or brilliant specialist the dentist is at removing the amalgams, there is always some release of mercury in the body. Also the body should adjust first, after the removal, before removing mercury. Otherwise chelating straight after removal will be an extra burden on your body. Chelating is powerful and dangerous stuff, and must be done carefully and slowly.

I myself have experienced radical side affects by taking 100mg dmsa every 4 hrs, but I wasn't following it strictly every 4 hrs and missing the morning dose. So I have taken a break from it. I got rapid heart beat, emotional breakdown, chronic fatigue and worst - depression.

More recently I've had some pfieffer tests done to check my histamine levels, copper, zinc etc, in the hope of knowing what supplements to take specific to my body to bring myself to a state of balance before beginning chelation again. You could also try this. Or see a orthomolecular doctor who tests your body chemistry and recommends specific supplements to your body.

good luck

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