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The 21 Oranges.. excuse my ignorance, jcounts, MH!
JeSuisButterfly Views: 1,539
Published: 20 y

The 21 Oranges.. excuse my ignorance, jcounts, MH!

Hey there! jcounts, MH.. I've had AWFUL intestinal problems for awhile - severe pains that make me double over, diarrhea, ect. I was given antibiotics, but they caused me more pain. I've collected enough information from many kind people here to see I need cleanses, and I've laid out the plans, but may I ask a couple of questions, please?

I ordered the Oregano oil and MH De-wormer for my parasites and general health. I'm going raw! Should I eat raw foods during the whole duration of the de-worming, or can I juice?

Can I do the 21 oranges before the de-worming? Just the juice, right? No pulp? I have to have a BM at least once a day, correct? Can I take a laxative if need be?

I ordered the Air Restore for the Chemtrails that we're experiencing. Will that help? Is there anything else I can do about it?

Thanks a lot for your patience!



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