Re: Using distilled water?
Dear Dave,
As Finally Faith just said, I remineralize
my distilled water using organic rice grains
and sunshine. Sprouts grow big and healthy
in that water.
It was
Andreas Moritz who said in one of his
books that seeds would not sprout in distilled
water. Right after I posted that information,
a woman posted a message to Andreas saying
that she had just successfully sprouted some
seeds in distilled water.
Andreas said, in effect, that the attention
she was lavishing on the seeds, caused them
to grow even in distilled water. I believe that's true. Seeds are living food that have
some kind of consciousness, however different
it may be from ours.
Remineralizing distilled water is VERY easy,
Dave. Just add a dozen organic brown rice
grains to the newly distilled water. Then set
it in the sunshine for a few hours. You'll
soon be drinking clean, nutrient-rich water.