--Communication--Blessings or Cursings--which do "WE" get--
Hi mu-shen,
Your comments : THANK YOU Dear Moreless!
Your ways of teaching are quite unique to say the least and is most appreciated by quite a few on this forum, especially the ones who have the courage to wade thru the info (you very kindly share) and follow your instructions!
Yes YOU certainly are an out-of-the-ordinary person and quite patient with a lot of us dodos who are trying to put the pieces together.
I certainly share your love of the ALMIGHTY and HIS/HER wonderful creation that needs a lot of patience and time to fathom !
Answer; Thank-you for your comment !
But, I am no one special, just that I may have been more fortunate than some may have been ?
But, we all must remember as "WE" became fortunate to learn certain "Truths" about Health and Life, that before this "WE" were also "Deceived" as many may be today !
It is easy to forget , even for "ME", that I have been fortunate to have come to learn these "Truths", which I am Freely sharing , for those willing to utilize them to help themself Improve their own Lot in this Life !
And even I become Deceived on some things as others are also subjected to, so it is each of our own Personal Responsibility to work out our own Salvation and Health and Happiness, with the answers we have available to us !
For those Seeking Deeper understanding, it shall be given in measure to their own Efforts and Reasons for such Desire for the understanding !
For those Seeking for the wrong reasons may "Fail" to find the "Truths" awaiting those Seeking to help ones Brother, who is in need !
And if any idea does not Solve the present problem, "WE" may then know that "WE" Lack the needed "Truth" to Solve this specific problem !
Choose Life or Death this Day !
Smile Tis your choice.