I'm sure you're kinda sick of my perspective on things but I can't help but respond to your posts!! (I'm compelled - and I don't mean any ill...so here I go again...)
You know that feeling you had when you thought you had $20,000 in your back pocket? You felt engaged - you started projects - you felt alive - you got healthier. Well! Think about it for a second...the IDEA of having the money gave you a new vibration that made you engaged, healthier etc...you know?
Think about that. Your vibration changed. YOU changed your vibration because of your thoughts towards money and poorness/richness. YOU changed your vibe.
Now - if you keep locked in the limited belief that you are poor and that unless someone (government or parents) give you money you're going to be f**ked - you are. Bottom line.
This may be totally hard but it's something you should try....call forth the feeling that you had when you thought you had $20,000 in your back pocket. FEEL it again. Let it seep within every crack of your being....call it forth and then go with it....take Action, take Responsibility and CREATE something. Money=Energy.
On an energetic level that is exactly what money is - Energy. You put energy into something and then the Money/Support comes. The goal does NOT have to be to 'get money'...just take action and see that you will be supported - because you'll be creating something and the money will manifest.
Use your energy first.
Okay...perhaps I didn't irritate you this time...
love Tracey