Re: how many flushes??
Somer, here is a link to some of my postings about cholesterol and flushing.
I am predisposed to high lipids due to my genetic makeup. I got the "death genes" from my mom who died at 69, had her first heart attack in late 40's. I am 45. She died slowly over 20 years.......clogged from head to toe with plaque and fat. She had surgery on both carotids, triple by pass twice, aortic aneurysm repair with her main arteries in her abdomen crammed with so much plaque that she was in kidney and liver failure. Also had the vein stripping of both legs. How is that for a night mare health history????
I only wish I knew something about flushing back then. I am sure she would have lived out her last years much healthier rather than going through one surgery after another trying to restore her circulation from all the fat and plaque in her arteries. Her liver was so congested when she died of heart and liver was a slow and agonzing death that she went thruough.
I get a little angry when I think that something as easy to do as flushing isn't more well known and would make such a difference in so many lives.
I will continue to do flushes about 6-8 times a year. Whenever I feel the need. I will always need to flush as a maintenance.
flushes and cholesterol