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Day-Care Communes
Oher than being one of the prime locations for the spreading of communicable diseases, the marxist daycare centers dotting the urbanized areas have another downside:
Harvard University researcher Mary Carlson discovered that the emotional bonding between mother and infant changes the infant's brain. Infants deprived or put in daycare centers had abnormal levels of stress hormones (cortisol) on weekdays, but not on weekends, when they were home. The touch-deprived children had the lowest scores on mental and motor testing.
In addition, some of the infant's brain cells may simply commit suicide. Maternal separation caused many more brain cells to die in laboratory animal studies. Although the growing brain normally prunes excess synapses and cells, the neurons in the maternally-deprived animals died at twice the normal rate.
(Brain in the News, 11/15/97, Vol. 4. #11, pg. 4)