Re: More on the NC driver license and hologram.........
It might just be possible to destroy the magnetic properties of the card by letting it set overnight on top of a large speaker magnet.
Years ago, I was talking to someone and they put some coins in their pocket after buying something. After a few seconds, they remarked that they all of a sudden started feeling some heat on their leg and pointed to the area after I asked where. Then I asked them if they had a battery in their pocket and a few pennies in that pocket also. They said "Yes", which really didn't surprise me (I once did the same thing). The pennies grounded the battery terminals of the AA battery.
The CHIP would short out (if the electricity made contact with the chip) if it was also in contact with BOTH terminals of a battery (and then it would not show any physical signs of being tampered with either (unless it melted the card, doubtful, watch closely). A 9 volt battery (both both terminals are side by side) would be easiest to use, but most likely the only exposed part of the card that is electrically conductive is the magnetic strip.
Everything is effected by electricity (even static electricity, which is an impulsive discharge built up even as you walk across a rug or remove a plastic wrapper from a CD), but the most sure way of destroying a Radio Frequency chip would most likely be with the magnet (called "DEGAUSING").
Any physical signs of tampering would be against the law.