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did Hulda Clark liver flush, allergies still bothering me
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Published: 18 y

did Hulda Clark liver flush, allergies still bothering me

Hulda Clark says after the liver/gallbladder flush it will relieve your allergies for at least a few days, and I've done this flush in the past a few times and everytime it helped them, yet this time my allergies still been bothering me.

I drank some peppermint tea this time bout a couple hours into the flush when I first started feeling nausea. I did get some stones out, but they only came out once in the morning AFTER taking both doses of Epsom Salts in the morning, I was expecting to get much more out.

Is there some reason my allergies are still bothering me? Should I still wait at least 2 weeks before doing this again? And is ginger mixed in with the olive oil/grapefruit juice a better alternative to pepperment tea? I still felt nausea an hour or so after the tea, which prompted me to get out of my bed for a few minutes, burping a helped and then I was alright. But I'm still not sure why I didn't get out more stones and feel much more energy and allergy free afterwards like I have in the past.

thanks for any insight


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