A few days ago I was feeling a bit down and I wanted to be healed, already. When something led me to www.fitday.com, Thank God, as my spirits were lifted. I learned I was not getting enough healing nutrients, in some cases I was not getting the minimal RDA. Its interesting that I do not have much of an appetite for healthy foods, but when it comes to natural or organic versions of SAD (Standard American Diet) I am the first one at the table. Well, I know this is a journey and I am not giving up! That is why I am so excited about adding www.fitday.com and www.whfood.com to my healing protocol.
Fitday is an free online diet journal, food, exercise tracker and more. I feel the best part is that you can track your nutrient intake. If you find that you are not getting enough of one nutrient go to the World's Healthiest Foods www.whfood.org or .com ("Select from the over 100 most nutritious foods that form the foundation for the Healthier Way of Eating.") and you can find what food, you need to eat, for that particular nutrient.