18 y
VWT-Super Natural Question? Edited by HH
VWT would one of you read this and let me know what you think about this story. I think you will find this fascinating. It has bothered me for years. Sorry this is so long.
First let me state that it is very unlikely that someone could ever enter into Thyroid Storm.(this is extrememly rare and subjects are usually males between the ages of 22 to 25-I know from first hand experience). This senerio is not the results of a person using any type of iodine. This person already has a history of thyroid disease and has just dropped lead paint on self that needed to be removed from an old abandoned warehouse. We believed this to have triggered reaction.
Story Starts Here:
They fell on floor during the night after eating a high carb. diet. (This is when Thyroid Storm seems to make itself known.)
When my loved one had this very rare reaction, their muscles became week and they lost electrolytes and could not move. Even becoming paralyzed, from the neck down, because Potassium levels dropped dramatically. The Doc administered intrevenous potassium at a rapid rate, burning the veins. Sent home, the Doc prescribes 1500mg of (K-tab) potassium 5 times per 24hrs. It seems like a lot to me. Ioderol for the heart is given at the same time. (can't remember how much) After 3 days of paralysis my loved ones muscles are able to move starting with the arms then eventually they gain control over their legs. This takes a period of 24 hours and it is a very week control. So now they are able to walk for about 3 days when it suddenly seems that they can not maintain the level of potassium needed to walk. They are paralyzed again.
I bathe paralyzed person and put them to bed and they are completely paralyzed for at least a day. I give person their nightly massage to keep leg cramps at bay and they fall to sleep. Suddenly they stand upright and walk out bedroom door, down a 15ft. hall through a large dining room to an exterior door and urinate off the patio. I yell with excitement- "YOU CAN WALK! YOU CAN WALK!" They do not respond and walk back to bedroom and lay down on bed. They are in deep sleep I finally am able to wake them up and they are paralyzed from the neck down. They do this again, and again. They have a history of sleep walking since childhood.
Doctor finally figures out after 16 months that this is a hot thyroid and radiates thyroid to kill it off. Doc prescribes one-a-day thyroid tablet and the person develops a goiter within 5 months. Person is taken off of thyroid meds. and is perfectly fine for 8 years until suddenly one day they start having weakness in the legs. They make rash decisions. They forget where they are while driving. They leave spouse and marry someone far older then themselves. They come back and tell me they don't remember some of the things they have done. I leave and start a new life and this person becomes paralyzed again. Only I am not there to suffer through with them.
This subject birth weight was a rare whopping 14 pounds. Mother nearly bled to death. Subject developed breast as teen-ager and had to have them removed. Mother was diagnosed mentally ill (psycho), given labotamies(sp)as a younger girl. Had severe thyroid issues but thyroid never removed. I am talking to a Neurologist 20 years later and tell him this story. He tells me that it use to be believed that those who developed thyroid storm were mentally ill and that it was not the thyroid at all but the sign of a crazy person. He then stated this was not true and that it is indeed the thyroid. I told him the story of the rising sleep walker urinating off the patio and he was stumped.
What say you?