3rd International Conference on Scientific Feng Shui & Built Environment 2007 - Sustainability & Operability
Dear Sir/Madam,
3rd International Conference on Scientific Feng Shui & Built Environment 2007 - Sustainability & Operability
Asian Institute of Intelligent Buildings & Building Services Operation and Maintenance Executives Society would like to invite you to participate in this international Feng Shui conference in City University of Hong Kong on 26th-27th October 2007. More than 11 distinguished speakers from Australia, Germany, Italy, Japan, Serbia, US, Brazil, UK, Malaysia, China and Hong Kong will be gathered to share their cases study and research on the Scientific Feng Shui and Built Environment. A study tour will be included in the 2 days conference to show the real cases to the participants.
We are one of the supporting organizations and our members can enjoy the member price. Please find the flyer and the registration form this link:
Many thanks for your assistant. Should you have any question, please feel free to contact us.
Paul Wong, Jolie Lok
Conference Secretary
Rm. B6322, Academic Building,
Department of Building and Construction,
City University of Hong Kong,
83, Tat Chee Avenue,
Yau Yat Chuen,
Tel: (852) 2784 4506
Mobile: (852) 9522 9475-Paul
(852) 9443 0396- Jolie
Email: scifengshui@gmail.com