First I want to thank you in advance for reading my post and offering some advice or relief. I've been juice fasting for seven days and for the most part I have felt much healthier! Not the case yesterday! Around 9:00 am I got diarrhea and had it until 1 am (35 movements)and still have some this morning. The stool color was obviously green until the one at 1 am and it was a brownish yellow. I feel very weak and still have a fever. I think it must have been severe die-off reaction from severe systemic candidia. I tried to drink juice this morning but it is not agreeing with my stomach so therefore I have been drinking water to re hydrate myself (dark urine from diarrhea). My question is what is the best approach as far as juicing is concerned, to get back on track and get my strength back and what other then die-off could have caused my diarrhea? Again thank you for all your help, I greatly appreciate it!