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Re: need advice too please
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Published: 18 y
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Re: need advice too please

Sorry, but that's INSANITY to "fatten up" for a CLEANSE by eating GARBAGE!!! Listen to yourself! You can NEVER do GOOD by doing HARM.

Gee, wonder why your skin looks like crap...

Listen up. Your skin is a reflection of the condition of the blood that feeds it. Dirty dirty dirty!!! Clean up that diet, and drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water every day!

The Liver Flush requires great patience. You should only be flushing every two weeks, to give your body time to recover. You should be eating a clean, low fat diet for at least 3 days prior to each flush to build up bile. The fact that you are "better" after each flush indicates you are doing good work. CONTINUE flushing at 2 week intervals until the improvements are permanent! Liver Flushing definitely cured my "adult acne" and "rosacea" permanently -- for the past three years I have had perfect skin.

Fasting is actually a great beginning for liver cleansing. Do NOT incorporate coffee enemas, or risk moving stones into bad places and having to deal with that problem, as another person on this forum did recently. Wait until AFTER your fast when your digestion has reestablished completely to begin flushing every two weeks.

Any weight lost during fasting will quickly be regained by eating a NORMAL, clean, healthy diet. If you are thin, fast no more than 7-10 days at a time. Most weight lost during this period is from water and gunk carried in the intestines.

I have done lots of very effective Liver Flushes without epsom, which I find very harsh. Read the apple juice protocol at for a good alternative flush.



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