Re: Anyone familiar with Eckhart Tolle?
I read the book as well, a long time ago, during an emotionally heavy period of my life and it gave some support at the time. But as you said, once life picks up again, it is not easy to maintain a beautiful theory from a book.
Maybe I am telling you something you already know, but it seems to me that zen buddhist meditation is very close to Eckhart Tolle's book, and a practical way of enforcing his theory. Right before and during 3 major life changes in 6 months time, I started practicing zen buddhist meditation - concentrating on deep breathing and alertness of the spirit through intense physical balance/stillness, sitting in the universal "lotus" position. I still practice today.
Being in the balance of the pose and concentrating on the deep lower belly breathing keeps you connected to the here and now, every time you return to it - you become more peaceful, no matter what's going on in your life. I like that zen meditation is very simple and unpretentious yet very spiritual. People often mistake meditation for being "out there", but if there is anything that brings people down to earth, it is zen buddhist meditation: it makes you look at things for what they are...
Good luck!