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Re: Hey doc.. Truth will win. Post-Human being.
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Published: 18 y
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Re: Hey doc.. Truth will win. Post-Human being.

911 has a lot of documentaries about it. The first one I saw was "911 Mysteries". Then "Loose Change 1&2". But the best one is "In Plane Sight".
The best web site detailing 911 is:
It might be .org

It goes into great detail about all the physics by experts that prove that 911 was a demolition. The world trade center didn't come down from the planes hitting it.

Just a cursury glance tells you: Wrong jet engine found on the streets of New York City. Isn't used in a 757.

No bodies found at either the Pentagon or the field in Pennsylvania. No bodies folks and no fuselog (sp) at either site.

Cell phones don't work from airplanes that high in the sky if at all.

Flight 93 landed in Cleveland at 11:00 AM, 15 minutes AFTER they said it crashed in Pennsyvania.

Takes weeks to set up a demolition yet Building 7 was "pulled" that afternoon.

You can see the squibs going off in the lower floors as the towers come down.

Explosions heard by just about everyone before the towers came down and as they were coming down.

The jets that hit the world trade center didn't have any windows.

On and on it goes.

Bush and Cheney as far back as 1991 said they needed a "Pearl Harbor" type event to get the antiterrorist thing going.
or org

"In Plane Sight"
"911 Mysteries"
"Loose Change" 1,2&3.

Study Steve Jobs the creator of the PC. Find out what his real purpose for creating it was.
Study the creators of the Internet the World Wide Web, find out what their original purpose was.

Truth ladies and gentlemen. The lies are exposed immediately now.

It's our only chance.

Doc Sutter
And many more.


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