The missing link
We are all searching for the enigmatic missing link. Every time that we find something that improves our condition, it is natural for us to want to shout eureka! We only know that that particular thing has help us and we want the world to know about it, thinking that maybe this is everyone elses problem too.
Actually, I am glad for the experience and results that I have obtained through the cure zone.
It has been proven that:
I had parasites, lab test showed 3 species. I eliminated most of them using the zapper, the rest with cleanses and flushes.
I was very acidic. I fixed most of this with diet and the rest with mineral water.
I was deficient in iodine. Topical
Iodine painting helped fix this.
I had slightly high blood pressure (boderline hypertensive). This has been helped with SOD, EPA, DHA, and other suppliments. My BP has dropped about 20 points on both Systolic and Diastolic readings.
There is much more and while I am not in perfect health, ...
All I can say is: