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Weird circulatory thing, waking early?
SqueakyClean Views: 1,722
Published: 18 y

Weird circulatory thing, waking early?

I've been following Iodine since the inception of this forum (and the first Iodine forum, as well). I bought Lugol's from JCrows. For most of that time I was just taking 1 drop a day as an introduction to my body while I was reading here about iodine.
Lately I've been slowly upping the dose, 2 drops for a while, then 3. I've been a bad girl and haven't made notes or been as intentional as many of you, so I don't have a lot of specifics. I take it in a weak "lemonade" I make, which is just a small amount of lemon juice added to distilled water, with a teeny bit of stevia added to take the edge off.
Anyway, today I did 4 horizontal drops, which isn't a lot, but it's the most I've taken to date, except maybe once (see below). I took 2 drops around 10 a.m. and 2 more around 2 p.m.

SITUATION: I woke up this morning at 5:10 a.m., which is ridiculously early for me - and I went to sleep around 1. The main reason I woke up was because my appendages were beginning to "fall asleep", but I didn't feel sleepy once I woke up, either (VERY UNLIKE ME). I still have this weird feeling mainly in my arms, it makes me paranoidly feel like it could be little blood clots or something, also my right bicep almost feels sore, even though it isn't. I would go jump on the rebounder but I don't want to wake anyone up. Something very similar happened to me ONCE BEFORE when I had taken more Iodine than usual - wake up early, weird feeling in arms.
I've seen people talk about "tingling" but I really would not describe this as tingling.

QUESTION: Why would I get this weird "blood clot" feeling (I've never actually had blood clots, that's just what it feels like in my imagination)? Any relation to the iodine? I must definitely attribute the wakefulness to the iodine.


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