Re: sluggish gallbladder
I'm in the same boat too - but I gather that all these nice herbs
they mention all over this site deal with the sluggishness.
I found that alcohol based tinctures do make my liver very sluggish.
Apart from symptomatics, I did an interesting experiment:
I have been travelling in the interior of south India talking to siddha doctors. One of them held my pulse and dropped it suddenly saying I had a very severe problem with my liver. I associated his reactions with all the chinese bitters, curcuma and coptis I took in the 4 days that preceded. Not sure though. Maybe it was worse before!
And one of the homeopaths with a crystal for diagnosis also told me that my liver is performing at 40% capacity and I should be doing bed rest! But he was surprised that given my state I had no toxins in my body, when I told him about my liver flushes. He is convinced that that the reason why I am relatively "toxin free"
He suggests that I strengthen my liver before my next flush- perhaps over the next month.
cheer up and stay well. We have to keep trying...