Re: How long do glands stay up?
Even after 31 years on the thyroid meds, my thyroid always seems swollen. I started the
Lugol's iodine, and didn't have much notice by way of my gland with a low dose, but I started 6 drops yesterday and 10 drops today, and it feels noticably smaller. I can tell, because my hand goes to it and it just feels like it's less there. You notice this stuff after 31 years!
The only other time I felt like this was when the specialist first put me on the thyroid meds and got me up to 4 grains in a month or 2. I lost weight, got skinny actually, my gland went way down too. But I hated being on the meds, so went off of them cold turkey after 6 months..I lost hair, and gained 25
lbs. in like a couple weeks! Scared the heck out of me, so I of course went back and started over again with the speicalist.
With the
Iodine now, I'm not so afraid to get off my meds. I'm gonna do it!