Re: Well I'll Start It
Rom Rom Cuppyfish,
You made some good points about Hindu! There are very good things about Hindu that I love! It is a noble religion in my book. I say the following with utmost respect too.
It is the oldest religion like you said, according to man. That doesn't make it the oldest in my book. There was religion before man could write.
One thing I guess you don't know about Christianity is there are Christians who believe what you said about Christianity, and those who don't. I don't believe the Bible is the word of God and can be trusted as so. I do believe it was inspired by mans experience with God and written by man and is therefore flawed in some ways. There's a big difference. There are Christians who don't believe in the trinity, that Jesus is God, the rapture, spiritually alienation from God, or that we need any other person to know God, or that we must follow some law out of fear of punishment, or other teachings of man. You can't lump all Christians together because of that. Just like there are different dialects of Hindu. I know you can go to different parts of India and the language is spoken slightly different depending on where you are in India. It's the same with Christianity. What you said about Christianity is probably true for most Christians, but no all Christians.
You're right there has been a lot of innocent blood spilled by Christians. And God does have a plan of perfection that will be fulfilled no matter what, and that Jesus is the way, the truth and the light. Unfortunately most Christians (man) throw in the word "only" into that statement, so it ends up meaning Jesus is the only way, truth and light. This has lead to the intolerence of other religions you speak of. If man would just shut up and let God be God, or Christians would actually follow where God leads and not man, a lot of problems would solve themselves. Real Christians who follow Jesus' teachings respect all religions. Those who follow mans teachings don't, and unfortunately there are a lot of those types of Christians.
I believe each religion sees and then worships or follows only a part of God's character thinking they're right and everybody else is wrong. (Not including Hindu, the Tao and a few other religions) But no human can possibly know the whole character of God. Because of this there are different religions, but all religions love and seek the same God. It's only the attainment that differs.
Hindu's believe no reliance in Rom is required. Most Christians put too much reliance in God. The truth is inbetween.
I believe reincarnation could be true. Anything is possible according to the Bible, which most Christians fail to accept. I just don't buy into the we have to come back as what ever Rom decides part. A loving God would let YOU decide would be best to further your advancement. Hindu's believe in the endless cycle of birth and death of the universe, which I could believe. We see it in everything in the universe and the Bible teaches about a new Earth and Heaven.
I don't believe in repetitious retuals in any religion. God or Rom continually renews everything and so should we. A ritual can become something that is meaningless and dead. The act or number of times you do something is not counted by Rom or God, it's the sincerity that matters. Also it doesn't matter where you offer something from, like a temple or church, or what you offer, it's what you mean when you offer it that matters.
Now back to Hindu. I've worked with Hindu's for years and I'm close to a few and I love how true Hindu's live. (Those that haven't been Americanized) I've learned a lot about the Hindu life and respect many parts of it. I love how they try not to speak badly about anyone, because of karma. I love how devoted to each other Hindu's are. I love the marriage and religious cerimonies they go through. I love how Hindu's never say goodbye, but basically say see you later. I believe the average Hindu shows more genuineness about what they believe than the average Christian. Statement 9 you made is perfect! Nothing more can be said!
Until next time CuppyFish! (I forget the saying for see you later) :-(