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A Cosmic Pop Quiz...
Azurite Views: 1,730
Published: 18 y
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A Cosmic Pop Quiz...

This will sound strange. It may be that Codex is a GOOD thing! when a martial artist is attacked does he view it as good or bad? If he sees it as bad he will resist it and tighten up. The energy of the blow will be hard to move with and he will most likely lose his balance or become harmed in some way. The martial artist receives the energy and moves with it and not against it. That is their training.

So if Codex is seen as a blow maybe we can find a way to see it too as energy rather than something to hide from or be afraid of. The prior discussion of stress asked the question what IS stress? stress is energy. it is our energy but it is how the mind gives it meaning that qualifies it as good or bad. The energy is the same. So maybe we could learn to hug our stress rather than avoid it or manage it? It is still ours after all. we do better when we own it.

Back to Codex. I believe that we are existing on this awesome planet to find meaning. it is like a pop quiz. A cosmic pop quiz. The final question will be 'Did you find Meaning'?

Stress is produced by separation. yin versus yang. us versus them. right against left. victim vs victimizer. How can we view Codex from another perspetive? I believe the CureZone is the vanguard of the energy movement. Energy that cannot be conquered. I believe that Codex is one question on the sheet of the CPQ we previewed before arriving here and knew we would be facing ultimately. It provided us with a challenge for without this challenge we would become bored and stagnant. How can we see ourselves as energy and as integrated? That question is part of the Pop Quiz too. If we do not pass the Test we will continue to go around in circles until we evolve into what we truly Are and cycle out of here.(smile)

Codex is going to show us a New Way to be. If we do not find the New Way then we will be consumed by the fear and antagonism of our own mind. so Codex is allowing us to reflect upon our fears. our own sense of separation. I don't like Codex one bit either. But the squeeze play will force us to find our deeper Selves and to access our resources in a New Way. CureZone is already manifesting the solution.

Quote by Dinshaw P. Ghadiali..."The truth can be defeated, but never conquered!"



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