I think I have a strong stomach, but the Epsom Salts and olive oil are horrendous even for me.
Epsom Salts : A litte powdered drink mix like Kool Aid works wonders improving the taste of the salts. That or a squeeze of lemon or grapefruit juice and a drop of honey. It makes all the difference.
Olive oil mix: A wide, large straw, like the kind they give you with those humungous Slurpies, makes drinking it much easier. I try to gulp down the entire mix on one try, then **shiver*** and make yukky faces until the taste passes. I also find it helpful to not breathe out of my nose. Something about not smelling the oil makes it a little easier to swallow.
I'm prepping for my flush tonight, and to be honest, drinking this stuff gives me more anxiety than any other part of the flush! YUK!