4th flush
After my bad experience 5 days after my last flush (urticara, like I never had in my life before) I thought some stones might have got into critical position in the liver.
So I did the 4th flush already this night (10 days after flush 3) .
During the first flush I had stones with grey-green color on the outside, but when you cut them open, there was a beuatuiful emerald green - really the color of a jewel.
During flush 3 and 4 I had no such stones, only greenish ones, very soft, that could not be cut open in slices, like formed greenish clay.
Now in the 4th flush I already had 70 stones coming out - and most of them have this beautiful emerald green color inside. I've looked in F&Q, but this emerald green ist not specified.
Can you tell me what these stones are? And the other ones (greenish clay)?
Thank you in advance.