I wanted to share something interesting I read in Fasting and Eating For Health By Joel Fuhrman M.D. I purchased this book from www.Amazon.com. The method is water fasting.
Using Fasting to Conquer Benign Tumors
"fibroid tumors - most noncancerous tumors - nasal polyps - lipomas - benign ovarian tumors and benign tumors of the breast often response favorably to therapeutic fasting, especially when the person is not very overweight."
"When an individual has lots of fat on his or her body, the likelihood of reducing a tumor through fasting is uncertain because the body will likely use the fat stores as primary energy source rather the tumor. The best way to utilize fasting to shrink a benign tumor is severely overweight persons is for them to adopt an excellent diet and exercise program for some months prior to fasting. After they are in better shape, they can undertake the fast and expect more predictable results."