I think I have been searching my whole life for that illusive magic bullet. I am beginning to understand that health is just not that simple. In fact it is so complicated that I wonder if I will ever get a grip on it. I have said before, I am not overly intellectual. Half the stuff I read on CZ goes way over my head. I have already spent thousands of dollar and countless hours trying to get to the bottom of this and really don't feel any better than I did on day one. Sometimes I wonder if I ever will. But I have to keep trying. Once I give up hope there really isn't anything left. I still dream of perfect health. I dream of feeling vibrant and energetic. Of sleeping soundly and waking refreshed. Maybe it will never be anything more than a dream, but I can't stop dreaming it. If I can't find the magic bullet maybe I will find a combination of bullets that will do the trick for me anyway.