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Re: Mandatory Dr. Visits Required
boldyloxx Views: 1,211
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 955,856

Re: Mandatory Dr. Visits Required

This is why I'm against National mandatory healthcare--- which is being plugged as a great fix-all to our current healthcare.

I feel they should fix the problems with our current healthcare instead of ridding it and creating something that will be shoved down ALL of our throats. Expect every and all flu vaccine, etc., to be made mandatory as well. We will all be required to stand in line at different health centers to get our monthly shots just like cattle, --with no choice. It will be much the same as waiting in line for our drivers license renewal.

This will be great for those who like the government to think for them, but for the rest of us who know how dangerous many of these vaccines and pharma drugs are to the human body-- it will be hard for us to be forced this poison under government mandate.

America wake up, because we are quick becoming a fascist country by selling out our God given freedom to those who promise greener pastures. Be careful what you ask for, you may get it, and it may kill you.



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