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Very successful flush!
parrotgreen Views: 1,635
Published: 18 y
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Very successful flush!

I and Husband have been flushing for over a year now. We have done more than 20 flushes each.
Recently we have seen the number of "stones" decrease considerably, with nearly none showing up on the last three flushes we did.
Since we had been supplementing with Iodine in the form of Iodoral for the last five months we thought there might be a link.
We flushed last night, using exactly the same procedure as usual (twice the Epsom Salts drink, then half OO (Olive-Oil) and lemon juice, then twice the epson salts drink in the morning) and BOTH flushed out an AMAZING number of "stones", equal to the numbers we found in the first flushes we did a year ago.
The only difference in the procedure of the flush is as follows :
After laying down to sleep after the olive oil drink, 25 minutes after to be precise, we heard something fall on our bed. This was a huge cockroach and we jumped around excitedly until we could catch it and throw it away. Very nimble beast!
Then we lay down again, worrying a bit that this may have affected our flush in a negative way.
Well, what a surprise in the morning, for BOTH of us! Lots and lots of fat big stones!

To check on it we have decided for the next flush to tickle each other into a lot of giggling after 25 minutes on our backs. Our best idea to provoke an adrenalin surge such as the one we had facing the cockroach.
Maybe the excitement is what induced this successful flush? Or maybe the jumping around?
More on this in a couple of weeks....


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