Re: Feeling very ill - some advice please!!
Yes , it is normal. Once you start killikng off candida you will feel worse, this is called the herxheimer reaction or die off as we affectionally refer to it. It can be pure hell. If you find that physically you cannot tolerate the symptoms then you should back off on your treatment a little. In other words, slow down with any natural antifungals you are taking etc. If you are not taking anything and all you are doing is diet, then this is a good sign. Your body is experiencing a massive die off and you will get better quickly but unfortunately it will be unpleasant. Drinks lots of water, add some
Sea Salt . Take extra vitamin c and fish oil and magnesium. Drink hot water with lemon squeezed into and go for brisk walks to help your body eliminate toxins faster. Do a plain
water enema will, flush out the toxins makeing you feel sick , I could not have survived die off without doing them my symptoms were so atrocious. Get extra rest, take hot baths to help you sweat out the toxins. Warning though, hot baths made me feel a million times worse because I was mineral depleted and you might be too. If sweating makes you feel worse then do not do that. But rebounding or brisk walking will work very well as it speeds up your circulation and gets those toxins out faster.
But I really would highly recommend a plain water enema. I found I had to do one every week when my die off was its worse. Then every 2 weeks, then 1 a month now I hardly do them at all , only when I start to feel crappy but it comes on slowly so I just nip it in the bud.
Try to relax , it is normal and it will pass with time and it is well worth the results.
I wante dot add that the first time I battled candida I did it with diet alone ( althought I would not recommend that now) and my die off was hideous then too.