Re: Question Trapper?
Trapper this is a very good description of merc poisoning. I have never heard of the "boiling frog" story but it is so true. There are many more side effects, but that is exactly what happens, we just don't realize what is causing the problems.
I don't regret getting my
Amalgams out; the only regret is that I didn't get it done sooner. All in due time, but don't procrastinate is my advice for everyone else. Do your research and find the right dentist for yourself.
We are a nation being poisoned by the ones we are told to trust! Argh.
A little side note here. My mom's dog had a bum leg and she chews on it. She smells really bad and we joke about her rotting from the inside out.
Well that is what people are doing with those little critters in them! They are in there devouring our bodies from the inside out. I'll find another way out, thank you very much. Candida is like a co-dependent friend. :)