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long term solution
  Views: 1,551
Published: 18 y
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long term solution

first, terry, much luck and well wishes for your improved health. it is worth the effort!

second, you need to understand that one day fast and one cleanse probably won't solve your problems. you need to do repeated cleanses and fasts and, (and this is very important) slow down the pace you're putting toxins in your body. we can't completely stop it, but cut out all processed and prepared food. no more fast food, freezer food, convenience food, sugar, artificial food (sweeteners, flavorings, colorings, etc) and start eating fresh, preferably raw if you can take it, vegetables and fruit--as much as you can handle! if you replace every dead food with a live food, you will find your health improving dramatically very quickly. these foods will also help detoxify your body.

it's all about lifestyle changes. they are sometimes tough decisions to make, but you will never regret it in the end.



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