Re: I smell and I'm depressed.
Hi Newstart:
I too have been dealing with this problem for a few years, but in the last few months, I've had some success - things are getting better instead of worse for a change.
I did some colon cleansing to begin with and a few liver flushes, and felt that the odor was diminishing, but not too much until I found an old post by someone who cured her bad (horrible) breath with probiotics and diet. I have taken probiotics in the past, but wasn't on the right diet, and the odor just got worse. When I started on this specific regimen of probiotics and the diet, things improved. I'm not 100% cured, but much better. It had gotten so bad that I couldn't work or go out in public without getting strong reactions from others. Now I can go out shopping, to movies and eat in restaurants without drawing any unwanted attention.
The lady who cured her bad breath used two products: Flora Balance and Ultimate Flora. (She went to a doctor in California who put this protocol together, including the diet). For the first week of the program, she took two Flora Balance in the am and two Ultimate Flora in the pm both times on an empty stomach. After the first week, reduce the amount of the flora to one and one.
The most important part of the diet is to eliminate all forms of
Sugar (feeds bad bacteria, which causes the smell) and that means fruit, honey, anything that is the least bit sweet has to go. Eliminate dairy, grains, caffeine, alcohol totally. What you can eat is vegetables, eggs, meat veg. juices (not carrot) and I also added some small amounts of raw nuts and nut butters so I could maintain my weight.
It's really hard to do this and not cheat, but I did it for a solid month and had the first major reduction in odor I ever had. I'm about to start my second month.
The final part of the program is to work out vigorously every day. Work up a good sweat each and every day. When you get your blood pumping it oxygenates the blood and helps the organs function properly - plus it really lifts the spirits.
The person who wrote the post originally said she was cured of her chronic halitosis 100% in two months. I don't really have bad breath, for me it's more
Body Odor , and this has helped me more than anything else. I still think I need to do more colon cleansing to completely overcome it, but it is nice to have improved to this point at least. It's good to know that I won't have to hide away in my house forever. THINGS CAN GET BETTER! It does take a lot of work and commitment to the problem, but it's worth it to get your life back.