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school loans(devil contract)
DWR Views: 1,622
Published: 18 y

school loans(devil contract)

yea loans seems easy to pay off but you dont realize hob big they can get and if you fail classes or if you have problems with living arrangments and number of factors into play. then when you get a job your lucky to have enough money to live on well paying off the just the interest off the loans. I will live my life without harming other people and refuse to get a job that will do that. also I cant believe How much you pay for a piece of paper to say you need how to do something. its a big money game and this world coming to the end I will only have to wait intill then. I believe as long I take of myself and do good things day by day I can get through this. even if the world doesnt end money is not everything I rather travel then come home to enjoy my family. but for now I have to pay loans. have a good night everyone.


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