Cut, Burn, and Poison: The Surgery, Radiation and
Chemo'therapy' of the cancer industrial complex
of hospitals, pharmaceuticals, the FDA, CDC, HHS
Cut, Burn, and Poison: The Surgery, Radiation and
Chemo'therapy' of the cancer industrial complex
of hospitals, pharmaceuticals, the FDA, CDC, HHS
Cures for cancer:
1. sunlight, yoga, exercise
2. vitamin C in drips, in uncooked fruits, uncooked fruit juices and smoothies
3. ending the ingestion of corpse pieces from fishes and animals..
ending the ingestion of stolen milk, eggs, cheese
4. eating organic food... the insecticides which kill bugs accumulate in human bodies
5. forgiveness.... through journaling, through group support,
through hypnotic regression, through grace, through a spiritual community
etc etc
6. The word 'incurable' has no meaning to omnipotent God.