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Re: Body odor and foot detox pads
Bythc Views: 1,691
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 947,378

Re: Body odor and foot detox pads

I used two kinds, one I bought from a local health food store the other one my husband purchased from
I wasn't trying to cure my Body Odor at the time, I was trying not to die. The doctors had given me several rounds of strong Antibiotics , anti fungals, ect., none of which worked and I was left rather toxic. As daughters will, mine pointed out that I smelled bad, this was right after I had showered. After two weeks of the foot pads I had no more Body Odor , I can work outside in the heat, and when I'm through I smell very little, and I don't wear deordorant. Don't ask me how something you put on your feet effects your underarms, but it does. I also went down a shoe size. I have been surprised at the things that have helped me heal.


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