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--Protein Isotopes vs Calcium or Baking Soda--
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Published: 18 y

--Protein Isotopes vs Calcium or Baking Soda--

Hi Ya'll,

Calcium and baking Soda do not work in the same ways in the body against the Protein Isotopes!

The Baking soda may just raise the pH in most cases, but it to has some variations on the pH effect!

But, in most cases the Baking Soda may raise the pH, but it does not supply the body with the same Electro-magnetic Energy which the Calcium may provide, so you may have your pH up with Baking soda, yet not be providing your body with the Needed Electro-magnetic Energy!

And Calcium may Cause a change in the Protein Isotope from it being Alkaline forming into Acid forming, when the Calcium may React against the Protein(Nitrogen) ?

And the Baking Soda will not have the same reaction against the Protein as the Calcium may !

And since the Protein(Nitrogen) is the Joker card in the Acid Alkaline pH Balancing
, then because the Baking Soda does not provide the same Electro-magnetic Energy as Calcium does, the end results will be Different !

Smile Tis your choice.


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