A few things to consider.
The ability to flush on a fairly frequent plan is determine by the health, type of health problems and resource reserves along with diet and the ability to properly assimilate resources.
People who are fairly sick to begin with and with marginal or no resources, can be completely wiped out after a flush.
If you can’t tell the difference after a flush, you ain’t got that problem.
That being said, depending on diet etc. you could knock out your resource stores in a few weeks or months and then feel “wiped out” after a flush.
When you “feel” a bit under after a flush, you should pull back and allow the bod to recover.
Use of a green product would be wise to rebuild resources.
Another side is the belief in “stone movement”, that it takes ~2 weeks for stones to gather round the ducts.
This is really determine by the physical movement a person gets along with weight issues or other conditions that might “wedge” stones.
I believe a rebounder would do wonders for most to increase the effectiveness of LF’s.
To Your Great Health,
PS I would give serious thought to IV vitamin C.