Your right about CARBS
You're right CARBS are the hidden killlers - KILLER CARBS. And take a look around a the grocery store - you almost can't avoid them. I found out that when I eat carbs my tryglycerides (TG) skyrockets up way too high. Carbs are quickly converted into the gloppy stuff that clogs up your system. Get that stuff out of your life like I did, and you'll be happier. I found that my addiction to carbs is completely gone, finally. If you're lucky enough to figure this out before you do permenant damage to your body, it's all the better. I hope someone out there reads this and can save themselves from our poisonous American diet.
I do believe that you want push the equilibrium in the direction of soluble cholesterol vs insolulble. So you can look at the biochemical equation like this:
Cholest(I) + Goodfat(S) ---> Cholest(S) + Goodfat(S)
Where I = insoluble, S = soluble.
I think that bad fats (you know the ones; Trans-fatty acids, animal fat, lard and the precursor, TG, that comes from excess carbs) lead to
Gallstones in the opposite reaction:
Badfat(S) + Cholest(S) ---> Cholest(I)
Obvioiusly, this is a simplification, but a major key in the solubility of fats is the HDL level. HDL is the scrubber, the good guy that make liposomes (the fat carriers) transport more efificiently. My HDL level was terrible (27) before, when I had stones. Now, w/ fish oil, olive oil and running it's up around 40. It takes constant maintenance as you guys all know.
Well, I guess you can tell by know that I'm a scientist.