Large doses of Vitamin D is also a very good idea. If you cruise down the News forum you will find articles on Vit D and how powerful it is against cancer. (Vit D-3, and you must take it in substanial doses 2000-3000 mg a day.) Also, get a lot of sun (no sunscreen) in the early mornning. This is a prime souce of Vit D, and the early moring sun is fully of life giving energy.
This may sound pretty simple...but it could help you a lot. Expose as much of your body to the sun as you can. Remember, no sunscreen, so do it in small segments so as not to get a sunburn. You need to take a lot of anti-oxidents too...
Jon Barron's book has a chapter on anti-oxidents (as well a source of good products)and he tells you which ones fight cancer...
You need to use all the tools you can to get your health back...this is a holistic situation, don't rely on just one thing.