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Re: anything to do for bronchitis (i dont wanna go see a doc)
pb3046 Views: 4,360
Published: 18 y
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Re: anything to do for bronchitis (i dont wanna go see a doc)

The best thing for bronchitis that I have ever found is tincture of lobelia. Take two drops in some tepid or hot water, at least 1/3 cup and up to one cup. You should then produce mucus. If two drops don't do it, go to three, but no more. You can repeat this dose every half hour if necessary. If you overdo the lobelia, you will throw up. But you will throw up tons of mucus. Do not repeat for a while if you throw up; you should not need to. Lobelia works like an expectorant, similar to Robitussin. If you tend to bronchitis, you should always keep some around.

I have had many friends who were heavy smokers and had frequent bronchitis. I bought the herb and made my own and just gave it away. The only complaint I ever had was that the first time my mother took it, she said she felt like it took her breath away. But she got used to it and used it; she still smokes. All the others kept smoking too.

Save the lobelia when you are finished. It is a great antispasmodic. One drop in water will stop vomiting. One to two drops will relax you when you are wired. Use caution not to overdo it; it is dangerous in excess. Keep it away from children.

Bronchitis can be helped by spicy, garlicky chicken soup, avoiding dairy, and having someone pound on your back to loosen the mucus. Avoid white flour - it is a big mucous producer. Drink hot drinks. Don't eat big meals. Stay away from irritants, grasses, smokers, etc. If you have access to Colloidal Silver and a nebulizer, use it.

The only other things I have found to be effective are Clear Lungs, and mullein tea.


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