Thoughts on Nonjudging
Thoughts On Nonjudging
Yogananda: Gnana Mata never said an unkind word about anyone.. or even thought it. (paraphrased) *
Sai Baba: All beings are beautiful.. seen through eyes of love *
Jillelamudi Mother: The mother sees no fault in any of her children.
* Sai Baba: God looks on error as a mother looks upon her baby's first halting attempts to walk.
* Bible: Thou Shalt Not Judge
*Starseed Transmissions: You do not have enough data to assign value to any action
Author of Dancing With Mosquitoes: Do not kill your thoughts by framing them in conclusions (paraphrased) ********
It is a vain task to divide the things of the world into good and bad and it is also sacrilegious! For, when all are the products of His Will, how can anything be extolled or condemned? Besides what is good for one may be bad for another; what is good at sometime may be bad at another time; what is good in small quantities may be bad in large quantities. v 9 Sathya Sai Speaks pg 158