Re: Jubb's Longevity Lifefood cleanse-with liver/gallbladder flushes
it's on e.12th, between ave. b and ave. a
they have a counter with some prepared raw dishes, really yummy and thinking about it right now is making my mouth water...on the cleanse! they also have supliments and he has a couple of books out. pretty good stuff. his cleanse is, I think anyway, pretty gentle. I'm all for it..i was basically just hoping to find another person on here who has either done this particular one or is currently doing it, to ask questions, get support..that sort of thing. I've fasted with
The Master Cleanse about 6 times and have done one gallbladder/liver flush. This sort of combining the two. but not really. there's a blended drink i'm making every day: a lemonade but blending the whole lemon, an apple,
Sea Salt , an oil like coconut or olive, raw honey and water. and then lots of water. but you can also blend other things or juice, too. but just not certan things like root vegetables. then you take some swiss kriss or oxy-mag. but i'm over simplifying it to just give the point. so on certain days through out you flush. the 4th, 8th, and 11th. it's a 14 day fast. so on those flush days you take the olive oil and lemon. I don't think this time around I'll do 3 flushes. I was thinking just the 11th day because I have a lot going on.
anyway, check it out if you're in NYC> if not, I tried to find the web site but it seems it's under construction. so, sorry, no link to the actual fast.
however, i'm sure the book can be found online. I think his name is Dr. David Jubb? and Annie Jubb.
anyway, the book also has great recipes, raw. I'm bummed though because there's this dish they have in their store that they don't have a recipe for in the book! damn.
anyway, enjoy.
and there's another store, too in NYC that I reallly love call HIGH VIBE. it's also in the east village on E.3rd.
really cool guy, lots of great products and they do have a web site up to order stuff. I have a drink from him that comes in a powder called SHINE. helps get things moving in your body.