OK, I am going to start Lugol's, again.
I had been taking
Lugol's since April - June one drop then up to 2 drops 2x a day, sometimes I'd go for 3 drops. During July I was just taking it sporadically. I also would paint every week or so.
I stopped all my supplements and
Lugol's because of extreme fatigue. I was sleeping all day. Not good.
So, on August 2 I went all raw food. After my first day it was easier than expected. I have slipped a few times but now I am just going with sprouts, nuts, and vegetables.
The first week was awesome! Last week I was really tired and so was my sister so I don't know if it was pollen or just PMS or something.
Anyway back to the plan. I believe I am dealing with candida so I am going to cut out fruit, and I already cut out grains. I'll do that for 6-8 weeks.
I start working tomorrow and don't want to be a zombie, so I am thinking of one drop with a big glass of salted water in the morning.
Is it ok to take the magnesium and selenium at the same time as Lugol's? I have been waiting at least 1/2 hour after Lugol's. Would taking it with nut milk help improve the absorption?
I guess I just need someone to say go for it again. I was having good results otherwise, like my nails growing and eyesight seemed to be improving.
Anyway here I go...