Colloidal Silver in small amounts (10ppm) is beneficial. In fact years ago it was a part of the daily intake of minerals derived from the soil which is sadly no longer available due to bad farming practices. I have never had any bad results from using/drinking CS. Take it when you feel ill and no problems. You can also take a small maintenence dosage tbsp/day or in my case just a swig. Sometimes I don't take any for a while but as soon as I feel any sickness coming on CS usually takes care of it in short order. As far as the liver goes if you went way overboard and drank gallons of high ppm CS or bad batches home made CS as some have done you might have trouble.
In the small amounts I mentioned and low ppm you are consuming mostly water and an extremely small amount (10ppm) of silver ions. I think of it as beneficial mineral water. As a reference tap water is usually 300-500ppm and full of crap you would never want in your body!