Does taste affect a Liver Flush?
How does taste itself affect a Liver Flush?
Is there a taste reflex that benefits a flush?
There seems to be a pattern in
Liver Flushing that leads to better results. Taste seems to be important, especially bitter tastes. Bitter
Epsom Salts , bitter grapefruit juice, bitter chinese bitters (never tried chinese bitters but I assume they taste bitter). I also heard that tasting oil triggers the organs even before the oil is swallowed.
Using a straw helped me swallow on the last flush by removing much of the taste of epsom and oil, but the flush was not as successful. Not a scientific correlation, but a possible link.
Maybe it is better to forget the straw and try to trigger those taste reflexes that affect the organs. Or maybe use a straw to get the dose down, then swish more of it in the mouth for a bit and then spit it out?
Has anyone noticed a pattern between taste and successful flushes?