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chinese bitters helping release more stones
sorry if this is a bit long,
i've done 22 liver flushes, using the dr. clark protocol. from what i understand, chinese bitters is supposed to detoxify, stimulate bile flow, and decongest a packed liver. however my liver is hardly packed anymore, but i release about double to triple the amount of stones that i normally would without chinese bitters. it does seem to break some in pieces as well. on my 19th and 20th flushes i thought i was almost clean because i had less stones each time and they were tiny. then i decided to take chinese bitters for 4 days before my 21st flush, and i released about 500 stones. one was 1 1/4" long by about 3/4" wide, and about another were 100 really large stones, half walnut size, and then several hundred more averaged sized stones(pea sized or larger). so many that i almost threw up at 4am. it's the first time i've felt sick during or after a flush for a long time, but i did get rid of such a large volume of cholesterol matter thats probably what did it. a while ago i used chinese bitters and also i can recall flushing abnormally high amounts during those flushes. note: i also take chinese bitters 1/2 hour before my first
Epsom Salt drink on the night of the cleanse.
i don't know if stones actually stick to the inside of the liver but that is sort of how i thought about it, chinese bitters seems to "unstick" them, almost like apple juice does, allowing more to be flushed out. after the olive oil and lemon drinks, i lie on my back perfectly still for 20 minutes then start gently "pumping" the liver and gallbladder. i've done that for the last few flushes which i read about in "the last
Acne solution". that may also be helping release more at a time.